As maravilhas em nossas vidas acontecerão naturalmente, se nos conduzirmos com perseverança, respeito e fé pelo caminho que os ensinamentos divinos nos apresenta, pois, durante toda a nossa jornada o Senhor estará cuidando para que sejamos fortificados a cada passo para que possamos vencer as tribulações e conquistarmos as nossas metas terrenas com serenidade e ainda merecermos servirmos de uma das colunas no reino do criador.
Sentence of the day: to stay in the road of the Mister.
Jotão was fortified like this, because it drove your roads in the presence of the Mister your God. (2 chronicles 27:6)
The marvels in our lives will happen naturally, if we lead ourselves with perseverance, respect and faith for the road that the divine teachings present us, therefore, during all our day the Mister he will be taking care so that we are fortified to each step so that we can win the tribulations and we conquer our terrestrial goals with serenity and we still deserve we serve as one of the columns in the creator's kingdom.
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