A sabedoria fortalece ao sábio, mais do que dez poderosos que haja na cidade. (Eclesiastes 7:19)
O poder que traz benefícios tanto para que o detenha quanto para os próximos, é a capacidade que recebemos de Deus para vencermos todos os obstáculos, e por mais difíceis que sejam não passarão de empecilhos passageiros, mas, superáveis pelos sábios conhecimentos transmitidos pelo Senhor pelas sagradas escrituras.
Sentence of the day: the divine wisdom is the cash to can.
The wisdom strengthens to the wise person, more than ten powerful that there is in the city. (Eclesiastes 7:19)
Denominated them powerful, actually they throw hand of cunnings, which don't deserve to prosper and with certainty they will succumb when confronted with the prayers comings of pure hearts.
The power that brings benefits so much for it stops him/it as for the close ones, it is the capacity that we received from God for us to win all the obstacles, and no matter how difficult they are they won't pass of passing difficulties, but, you overcame for the wise persons knowledge transmitted by the Mister for the sacred deeds.
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