O importante são os atos que praticamos, os quais devem ser inspirados nos ensinamentos divinos. Os desafios e as respectivas dificuldades existirão em algumas situações, mas, sendo obediente e fiel ao Senhor, muitas das conquistas serão serenas, ouviremos opiniões e conselhos, mas, saberemos decidir sabiamente agradando ao Senhor.
A nossa vida terrena, mesmo quando submetidos a tribulações, será coroada com prosperidades e vários motivos de alegrias, se mantivermos a nossa crença e procurarmos manter o nosso corpo apropriado à mora do Espírito Santo.
Sentence of the day: our part is what interests.
Josué also said the people: Sanctify you, because tomorrow he will make the Mister marvels in the middle of you. (Josué 3:5)
The important is the acts that we practiced, which should be inspired in the divine teachings. The challenges and the respective difficulties will exist in some situations, but, being obedient and faithful to the Mister, many of the conquests will be serene, we will hear opinions and advices, but, we will know how to decide pleasing to the wisely Mister.
Our life terrestrial, same when submitted to tribulations, it will be crowned with prosperities and several reasons of happiness, if we maintain our faith and we try to maintain our appropriate body to it lives her of the Spirit Saint.
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