Assim como Deus nos concedeu o livre arbítrio para decidirmos entre o bem e o mal, também aguarda a intenção dos nossos pedidos para que interceda a nosso favor, mas, podemos ter a certeza de que tudo quanto necessitarmos, já é de conhecimento do nosso salvador que está sempre de braços abertos para poder nos conceder as graças.
Sentence of the day: God knows our needs.
And it will be that before they shout I will answer; being them still speaking, I will hear them. (Isaías 65:24)
As well as God it granted us the free will for us to decide badly between the good and the, it also awaits the intention of our requests so that it intercedes to our favor, but, we can be the sure that whatever needs, it is already of our savior's knowledge that is always of open arms to grant us the thanks.
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