O cometimento de injustiças acontece por incentivo do inimigo, portanto, desagradável ao Senhor, pelo que se deve pedir perdão o quanto antes e buscar por sanar o erro.
As iniquidades não podem ser desconsideradas pelo entendimento de insignificância, pois, aquele que comete a menor que seja, será induzido ao cometimento de algo maior e pior, portanto, a importância de buscar a face do Senhor em oração para que perdoe as nossas faltas e nos conceda a direção para compensarmos as nossas falhas.
Sentence of the day: fidelity.
Who is faithful at least, it is also faithful in the very; who is unjust at least, it is also unjust in the very. (Lucas 16:10)
The cause of injustices happens for the enemy's incentive, therefore, unpleasant to the Mister, for the that one should ask for forgiveness as soon as possible and to look for for healing the mistake.
The iniquities cannot be inconsiderate for the insignificance understanding, because, that that makes the smallest than it is, it will be induced to cause something larger and worse, therefore, the importance of looking for the face of the Mister in prayer so that he forgives our lacks and grant us the direction for us to compensate our flaws.
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