O termo cidadania pode ser considerado uma inovação, mas, assim como tudo mais que poderemos ouvir falar ou que já foi falado poderá ser apreciado e entendido pelos ensinamentos contidos nas sagradas escrituras.
Os acontecimentos, sejam quais forem, jamais nos surpreenderão com impacto para nos causar danos irreparáveis se procurarmos conduzir os nossos atos de maneira digna, procurando sanar as nossas dúvidas na inesgotável fonte do saber, a palavra.
Sentence of the day: citizenship.
You should only behave worthily according to Christ's Gospel, so that, he/she wants it goes and see you, he wants it is absent, hear concerning you that are in a same spirit, combatting together with the same vitality for the faith of the Gospel. (Filipenses 1:27)
The term citizenship can be considered an innovation, but, as well as everything more than we can hear to speak or that was already spoken it can be appreciated and understood by the teachings contained in the sacred deeds.
The events, be which go, they will never surprise us with impact to cause us irreparable damages if we try to lead our acts in a worthy way, trying to heal our doubts in the inexhaustible source of the knowledge, the word.
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