Nada deverá temer, nem mesmo estando dentro do mais terrível redemoinho de tribulações, pois, as promessas do Senhor, se formos obedientes e zelosos praticando as nossas ações de acordo com os ensinamentos da palavra, nos santificando estando em Sua presença, seremos merecedores de proteção e prosperaremos em segurança em tudo quanto buscarmos, portanto, nada poderá nos abalar, ao contrário, até mesmo as fortes ameaças e afrontas serão convertidas em benefícios.
Sentence of the it hurts: the insults will be turned into conquests.
To the Mister of the Armies, to him you sanctify; and be him your fear and be him your astonishment. (Isaías 8:13)
Nothing should fear, not even being inside of the most terrible whirl of tribulations, because, the promises of the Mister, if we are obedient and zealous practicing our actions in agreement with the teachings of the word, sanctifying being us in Your presence, we will be worthy of protection and we will prosper in safety in whatever we look for, therefore, nothing can affect us, to the opposite, even the forts threats and insults will be turned into benefits.
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