É uma glória imensurável poder merecer ser um dos escolhidos de Deus. Quando procuramos agir com obediência, sendo perseverantes e fiéis à palavra do Senhor, passamos a merecer uma posição confortante na presença do nosso salvador.
Quando somos agradáveis a Deus, Ele nos concede a grande honra e sermos um dos escolhidos, e assim, seremos contemplados com toda a ajuda pela qual clamarmos e seremos sustentados tanto das necessidades terrenas quanto da sede da fonte da vida.
Sentence of the day: chosen.
Don't fear, because I am with you; be not surprised, because I am your God; I strengthen you, and I help you, and I sustain you with the skillful of my justice. (Isaías 41:10)
It is an immeasurable glory to deserve to be one of the chosen of God. When we tried to act with obedience, being persevering and followers to the word of the Mister, we started to deserve a soothing position in our savior's presence.
When we are pleasant to God, He grants us the great honor and we be one of the chosen ones, and like this, we will be contemplated with all the help by the which we shout and we will be sustained so much of the terrestrial needs as of the headquarters of the source of the life.
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