Não importa pelo que já passamos, bom ou mal, já ficaram para trás, e no máximo pode servir de experiência, alerta ou conforto; e o que deve nos importar é o dia de hoje, a partir do qual construiremos um futuro promissor mediante os ensinamentos que o Senhor dos deixou para que possamos nos deliciar do prêmio da salvação que Deus nos oferta por promessa.
Sentence of the day: progress.
Siblings, with relationship to me, I don't judge that has reached him/it; but a thing does, and it is that, forgetting about the things that behind are, and moving forward for the ones that is before me. I continue for the objective, for the sovereign's vocation of God prize in Cristo Jesus. (Filipenses 3:13-14)
He you doesn't matter for the that we passed already, good or badly, they were already back, and at the most it can serve as experience, alert or I comfort; and the one that should care is the day today, starting from which we will build a promising future by the teachings that the Mister of the he left so that we can delight of the prize of the salvation that God in the offer for promise.
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