Todas as promessas do Senhor se cumprem no momento certo, portanto, devemos nos manter na fé e a cada instante zelando para que a nossa crença floresça e produza bons frutos suficientes para nós e para o nosso próximo.
Muitas vezes o que pode estar faltando é tomarmos posse das nossas bênçãos, as quais nos são ofertadas de todas as formas, como prosperidade em bens materiais e espirituais, inclusive proteção e o descanso necessário das batalhas, até mesmo com os inimigos entregue em nossas mãos para que saibam que existe um único e poderoso Deus, o nosso celestial Pai.
Sentence of the day: rest.
The Mister it granted them from everywhere rest, as he had juror to your ancestors. None of your enemies could resist them, because the Mister he gave all of them in your hands. (Josué 21:44)
All the promises of the Mister they come true in the right moment, therefore, we should stay in the faith and to each instant caring for so that our faith blooms and produce good enough fruits for us and for our close one.
A lot of times that it can be lacking it is we take ownership of our blessings, which they are presented us of all the forms, as prosperity in material and spiritual goods, besides protection and the necessary rest of the battles, even with the enemies he given in our hands so that they know that an only and powerful God, our celestial Father exists.
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