O inimigo jamais impedirá que a obra de Deus seja realizada. A nossa confiança nas promessas do Senhor não poderá ser abalada se formos temerosos e fiéis aos ensinamentos que a palavra nos oferece, ao contrário, será ainda mais latente para que o inimigo seja afugentado e envergonhado e prospere as obras do nosso criador.
Sentence of the day: the enemy won't harm the work of God.
And it happened that, hearing our enemies that we already knew him, and that God had dissipated their advice, all returned to the wall, each one to your work. (Neemias 4:15)
The enemy will never impede that the work of God is accomplished. Our trust in the promises of the Mister it cannot be affected if we are fearful and followers to the teachings that the word offers us, to the opposite, it will still be more latent for the enemy it is driven away and embarrassed and prosper our creator's works.
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