Deus nos criou e nos concedeu a maior dádiva, a vida, mas, para que sejamos do Senhor devemos procurar andar pelo caminho que nos mostra nas escrituras para que saibamos nos afastar da escravidão dos desejos da carne, pois, só assim estaremos puros para que o Espírito de Cristo esteja em nós e assim pertenceremos ao Senhor.
Sentence of the day: to belong to God.
You, however, you are not in the meat, but in the Spirit, if it is that the Spirit of God inhabits in you. But, if somebody doesn't have Christ's Spirit, that such one it doesn't belong to him. (Roman 8:9)
God created us and it granted us the largest gift, the life, but, so that we are of it Mister we should try to walk for the road that in the display in the deeds so that we know how to move away us of the slavery of the desires of the meat, because, we will only like this be pure so that Christ's Spirit is in us and we will belong like this to the Mister.
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