Até poderemos ser submetidos às tentações e provações, mas, não passará de provas, pois, sendo fiéis e tendo amor a Deus, tudo desagradável e contrário à palavra que recair sobre nós, o Senhor dissipará, portanto, a perseverança jamais poderá ser colocada de lado, ao contrário, deve ser uma constante em nossas vidas para que possamos ser contemplados com a promessa da vitória.
Sentence of the day: probations are passing.
My siblings, it tends great joy when you fall in several temptations.Knowing that the proof of your faith operates the patience. (Tiago 1:2-3)
Until we can be submitted to the temptations and probations, but, it won't pass of proofs, because, being faithful and tends love to God, everything unpleasant and contrary to the word that to relapse on us, the Mister it will dissipate, therefore, the perseverance will never be able to be placed of side, to the opposite, it should be a constant in our lives so that we can be contemplated with the promise of the victory.
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