O nome do Senhor deve e muito ser honrado. Quanta honra para nós Deus estar a todos instantes pensando e cuidando de todos. Estamos sempre recebendo bênçãos até mesmo maiores do que as nossas necessidades, portanto, devemos sempre render glórias ao nosso criador e salvador.
Sentence of the day: glories to the Mister.
Blessed it is it Mister, that in the daytime in day it carries us of benefits; the God that is our salvation. (Psalms 68:19)
The name of the Mister it owes and a lot to be honored. How much honor for us God to be the all instants thinking and taking care of all. We are always receiving blessings even larger than our needs, therefore, we should always surrender glories to our creator and savior.
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