Deus deseja que sejamos fiéis e zelosos em nossas ações, procurando agir segundo as instruções que com tanto amor nos deixou pela palavra para que seja mantida a aliança que nos prometeu.
A nossa vida de ser conduzida com responsabilidade e simplicidade, procurando ver e colocar amor em tudo que fizermos, e jamais, praticando atos com obstinação, ao contrário, que as nossas atitudes sejam as mais serenas possíveis.
Sentence of the day: to combat the obstinacy.
Circumcise, therefore, the foreskin of your heart, and not more you harden your cervix. (Deuteronômio 10:16)
God wants that we are faithful and zealous in our actions, trying to act according to the instructions that he left us for the word with so much love so that it is maintained the alliance that promised us.
Our life of being led with responsibility and simplicity, trying to see and to place love in everything that we do, and never, practicing acts with obstinacy, to the opposite, that our attitudes are the most serene possible.
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