O Senhor não nos escolhe por nossa forma física, nem tampouco pelas nossas posses materiais e nem mesmo pelas nossas obras; Deus espera que possamos ser escolhidos pela pureza em nossos corações, onde foi plantada a semente da fé, a qual se deseja que germine e dê vida a árvores fortes e que possam produzir bons frutos.
Sentence of the day: God observes our hearts.
However the Mister he said Samuel: Don't look at your appearance, nor for the greatness of your stature, because I have been rejecting him; because the Mister he doesn't see how he/she sees the man, because the man sees what is before the eyes, however the Mister he looks at the heart. (1 Samuel 16:7)
The Mister he doesn't choose us for our physical form, nor either for our material ownerships and not even for our works; God waits that can be chosen for the purity in our hearts, where the seed of the faith was planted, which is wanted that germinates and give life to strong trees and that can produce good fruits.
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