Devemos sempre fazer por merecer o direito de trazer em nós a fragrância do conhecimento de Deus, o que podemos compartilhar com nossos irmãos, colaborando assim para a divulgação da sagrada palavra do Senhor.
Somente poderemos alcançar o triunfo pleno através de Cristo que é o senhor da vida, e assim o sendo, não importa o tamanho da nossa luta, sempre triunfaremos, surpreendendo assim o inimigo que estiver à espreita na intenção de nos persuadir ou nos prejudicar.
Sentence of the day: allowing him Mister in the control, we will triumph.
And thanks to God, that always makes to triumph us in Christ, and through us he manifests the fragrance of your knowledge every place. (2 Corinthian 2:14)
We should always do for deserving the right of bringing in us the fragrance of the knowledge of God, what can share with our siblings, collaborating like this for the popularization of the sacred word of the Mister.
We will only be able to reach the full victory through Christ that is you of the life, and like this being it, it doesn't import the size of our fight, we will always triumph, surprising like this the enemy that is to the peep in the intention of to persuade us or to harm us.
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