Mesmo que por alguns instantes, o inimigo tenha conseguido uma vitória parcial que é o seu máximo, a nossa fé deve permanecer inabalável. Superaremos as trevas se caminharmos em direção do Senhor que é a luz suficiente para dissipar a mais densa escuridão.
Quando procuramos andar segundo as instruções da palavra e as compartilhamos com os nossos familiares, estamos nos precavendo para que a paz e amizade sejam preservadas no seio familiar para que o inimigo jamais se vanglorie desse tipo de investida.
Sentence of the day: to stay in the faith.
Because the son despises the father, the daughter he gets up against your mother, the daughter-in-law against your mother-in-law, the man's enemies are the one of your own house. (Miquéias 7:6)
Even if for some instants, the enemy has gotten a partial victory that is your maximum, our faith it should stay unshaken. We will overcome the darkness if we walk in direction of the Mister that is the enough light to dissipate the densest darkness.
When we tried to walk according to the instructions of the word and we shared them with our relatives, we are guarding against so that the peace and friendship are preserved in the family breast so that the enemy never boasts of that lunge type.