Deus espera que sejamos unidos, sendo solidários uns com os outros, portanto, caso haja alguma desavença, precisamos procurar por uma reconciliação, o que será considerado um ato nobre pelo Senhor que enviou o único Filho para que tivéssemos a oportunidade de nos reconciliarmos com Ele, mesmo após o homem ter traído a Sua confiança.
Sentence of the day: reconciliation.
And everything this comes from God, that reconciled us with itself for Jesus Cristo, and he gave us the ministry of the reconciliation. (2 Corinthian 5:18)
God waits that are united, being solidary some with the other ones, therefore, in case there is some disagreement, we needed to seek for a reconciliation, what will be considered a noble act by the Mister that sent only Son so that we had the opportunity of we reconcile us with Him, even after the man to have betrayed Your trust.
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