Não é necessário procurarmos entender em qual situação estamos inseridos, o importante é que se tivermos a necessidade de socorro, deveremos estar preparados de corpo, alma e coração para buscarmos a face do Senhor em oração e fazermos o pedido para que interceda em nossas causas.
Deus está no controle de todos os nossos desafios, e sempre pronto a nos restabelecer as forças e conceder a sabedoria para uma vitória que alegrará os nossos corações e envergonhará o inimigo.
Sentence of the day: God is in the control.
He you spoke to Daniel, saying: Be blessed the name of eternity God the eternity, because of him they are the wisdom and the force. And he changes the times and the stations; he removes the kings and it establishes the kings; he gives wisdom to the wise persons and knowledge to the experts. (Daniel 2:20-21)
It is not necessary we try to understand in which situation is inserted, the important is that if we have the need of help, we should be prepared of body, soul and heart for us to look for the face of the Mister in prayer and we make the request so that it intercedes in our causes.
God is in the control of all our challenges, and always ready the to recover the forces and to grant the wisdom for a victory that will cheer our hearts and it will embarrass the enemy.
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