Quando nos propomos a dedicar à obra do Senhor, precisamos ser perseverantes e efetivamente atuantes, jamais podemos permitir que o desânimo faça com que as nossas ações sejam consideradas relaxadas, ao contrário, o vigor, o amor e a alegria devem ser colocados em tudo que se refira ao atendimento dos desejos de Deus.
Sentence of the day: love and dedication to the work of the Mister.
Damned that that makes the work of the Mister with negligence; and damned that that retains your sword of the blood. (Jeremias 48:10)
When we intend to dedicate to the work of the Mister, we needed to be persevering and indeed dedicated, we can never allow the discouragement to do with that our actions are considered relaxed, to the opposite, the vigor, the love and the happiness should be placed in everything that refers to the attendance of the desires of God.
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