É imensurável o que tem Deus desde a nossa criação tem nos reservado. A dádiva da vida a nada se compara e a garantida de ainda poder viver eternamente na presença do nosso criador é algo magnífico e glorioso, portanto, precisamos buscar sempre os ensinamentos para que possamos nos manter sempre na direção que a palavra nos conduz.
Sentence of the day: God has countless and incomparable blessings for us.
It is how precious me they are, ó God, your thoughts! How big they are their sums! (Psalms 139:17)
It is immeasurable what he has God from our creation he has in the private room. The gift of the life the anything if it compares and the guaranteed of could live eternally in our creator's presence is still something magnificent and glorious, therefore, we needed to always look for the teachings so that we can always stay in the direction that the word leads us.
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