As perseguições existirão, assim como várias outras injustiças, mas, temos a ajuda necessária para suportarmos e vencermos as investidas do inimigo, pois, o Senhor já levou consigo os nossos maiores sofrimentos e curou as nossas feridas, portanto, cabe a nós buscarmos pelos ensinamentos e atravessaremos qualquer mar, pisando em terra seca.
Seremos capazes de nos fazermos ouvidos, desde que nos prontificarmos a levarmos o evangelho aos nossos irmãos, o que será agradável a Deus que nos recompensará abundantemente com as prometidas graças.
Sentence of the day: we will never be the alone ones.
Remember the word that told you: He is not the largest servant than your gentleman. If to me they pursued me, they will also pursue you to you; they stayed my word, they will also keep your. (João 15:20)
The persecutions will exist, as well as several other injustices, but, we have the necessary help for we support and we win the enemy's lunges, because, the Mister it already took with itself our largest sufferings and it cured our wounds, therefore, it fits to us to look for the teachings and we will cross any sea, stepping in earth evaporates.
We will be capable of we make ourselves ears, since we have ready ourselves we take her the Gospel to our siblings, what will be pleasant to God that will reward us abundantly with the promised thanks.
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