Nada justifica o ato de vingança física, tampouco moral. As tentativas de corrigirmos pessoalmente injustiças praticadas contra parentes, familiares ou amigos, também são injustiças e essas ações nos colocaram em igualdade com os opressores, portanto, devemos buscar pela sabedoria do Senhor e receberemos a graça da restauração para nossa felicidade e vergonha dos nossos inimigos.
Sentence of the day: practicing unjust acts will pick injustice.
Who to make injustice will receive of turn injustice, and there won't be exception for anybody. (Colossenses 3:25)
Nothing justifies the act of physical revenge, either moral. The attempts of we correct injustices personally practiced against relatives, relatives or friends, they are also injustices and those actions placed us in equality with the oppressors, therefore, we should look for for the wisdom of the Mister and we will receive the grace of the restoration for our happiness and our enemies' shame.
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