A prática do bem sem olhar a quem, não pode ser considerado simplesmente um mero jargão, ao contrário, precisa ser entendido na forma da palavra para que colaboremos no combate às injustiças e possamos ser contemplados com a justiça terrena e divina.
Deus nos deixou o ensinamento para que sejamos capazes de realizar boas obras, as quais serão agradáveis a todos, inclusive às autoridades e que nos enaltecerão onde quer que estejamos.
Sentence of the day: exalted by the good works.
Because the magistrates are not terror for the good works, but for the bad ones. Do you want, because, not to fear the rulers? Make the good, and you will have praise of her. (Roman 13:3)
The practice of the good without looking to who, it cannot simply be considered a simple jargon, to the opposite, he needs to be understood in the form of the word so that we collaborate in the combat to the injustices and we can be contemplated with the terrestrial and divine justice.
God left us the teaching so that we are capable to accomplish good works, which will be pleasant to all, besides to the authorities and that will exalt us wherever we are.
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