A harmonia é ensinamento divino. Quando nos pautamos com uma mesma atitude um para com o outro, os sucessos das nossas empreitadas virão sem maiores esforços e ainda serão efetivos.
Jamais devemos excluir os humildes, ao contrário, precisamos nos associar a eles e seremos capazes de elevarmos as suas situações e com isso aprendermos grandes lições, pois, muitas vezes as grandes descobertas são possíveis mediante a observância de detalhes que poderiam passa despercebidos. Devemos estar atentos e combatermos o orgulho, e assim, concluiremos que não existe sabedoria aos próprios olhos.
Sentence of the day: harmony and divine understanding.
Unanimous thirst among you; you don't ambition high things, but you make comfortable to the humble ones; you are not wise in you same. (Roman 12:16)
The harmony is divine teaching. When we ruled ourselves with a same attitude one to the other, the successes of our taskworks will come without larger efforts and they will still be effective.
We should never exclude the humble ones, to the opposite, we needed to associate to them and we will be capable of we elevate your situations and with that we learn great lessons, because, a lot of times the great discoveries are possible meantime the observance of details that you were able to unperceived raisin. We should be attentive and we combat the pride, and like this, we will conclude that wisdom doesn't exist to the own eyes.
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