Os compromissos celebrados por pessoas de caráter ilibado não carecem de juramentos, os quais devem ser evitados, pois, trazem consigo uma desnecessidade e responsabilidade enorme.
Os imprevistos podem ocorrer, portanto, não é nenhum crime ou pecado adiar o cumprimento da celebração de um dever, mas, caso tenhamos feito algum juramento as intempéries não poderão ser utilizadas a nosso favor, pois, Deus leva a sério as nossas promessas e quer que as cumpramos, portanto, o sábio e conquistarmos a confiança das pessoas para que não tenhamos de prestar juramentos que não sejam exigidos pelas leis.
Sentence of the day: to take oath is not wise.
Or, when some person to take oath, pronouncing carelessly with your lips, to do badly, or to do well, in everything that the man pronounces oath carelessly, and it goes him occult, and he knows him later, criminal will be in an of these things. (Levítico 5:4)
The commitments been celebrated by people of pure character they don't lack of oaths, which should be avoided, therefore, they bring with itself a need lack and of enormous responsibility.
The unexpected can happen, therefore, it is not any crime or sin to postpone the execution of the celebration of a duty, but, in case we have made some oath the bad weather they cannot be used to our favor, because, God takes our promises seriously and he wants that accomplish them, therefore, the wise person and we conquer the people's trust so that we don't have to render oaths that are not demanded by the laws.
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