Em nossos corações onde precisamos cuidar para que a fé continue florescendo e produzindo bons frutos, que também encontraremos a fórmula do sucesso, inclusive para a prosperidade financeira.
O nosso sucesso financeiro é uma confirmação da aliança que Deus nos propôs, portanto, se seguirmos as orientações divinas, obedecendo aos ensinamentos que a palavra nos oferece, seremos imensamente gratificados.
Sentence of the day: acquisition of wealth.
Before you will remember the Mister your God, that he is what gives you force for you acquire wealth; to confirm your alliance, that swore your parents, as he sees himself on this day. (Deuteronômio 8:18)
In our hearts where we needed to take care for the faith to continue blooming and producing good fruits, that we will also find the formula of the success, besides for the financial prosperity.
Our financial success is a confirmation of the alliance that God proposed us, therefore, if we follow the divine orientations, obeying the teachings that the word offers us, we will be rewarded vastly.
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