As promessas que Deus tem para com nós se cumprirão sempre, portando, jamais devemos nos permitir desistir durante a nossa jornada, mesmo que estejamos passando por momentos difíceis.
O Senhor nos concede as bênçãos e jamais desiste de nós, ao contrário, acredita em nosso arrependimento, restaurando a cada instante as nossas forças e nos reconduzindo à caminhada na direção correta.
Sentence of the day: The Mister it doesn't give up of us.
The Mister it doesn't delay your promise, although some have her for late; but it is generous to us, not wanting some to get lost, or else that all come to be sorry. (2 Pedro 3:9)
The promises that God has to us will always come true, carrying, we should never allow to give up us during our day, even if we are going by difficult moments.
The Mister it grants us the blessings and it never gives up of us, to the opposite, it believes in our regret, recuperating to each instant our forces and putting back us in the walk in the correct direction.
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