Tudo tem o seu tempo determinado, e há tempo para todo o
propósito debaixo do céu. Há tempo de nascer, e tempo de morrer; tempo
de plantar, e tempo de arrancar o que se plantou. (Eclesiastes 3:1-2)
momento da morte, do adeus definitivo aqui no mundo terreno chegará para todos
nós. Dizer esse tipo de adeus aos nossos sonhos e principalmente aos entes
queridos não é nada fácil, mesmo, sabendo que morremos um pouco a cada
instante e sendo essa a única certeza.
que se pode tomar como conforto está nas escrituras, onde temos a certeza da
morte, mas, principalmente da ressurreição e da possibilidade de uma vida eterna
na presença de Deus.
Sentence of the day: life and death.
He told him Jesus: I am the resurrection and the life;
who has faith in me, although it is dead, he will live. And all that that
lives, and it has faith in me, he will never die. Do you have faith? (João
Everything has your certain time, and there is time
for the whole purpose under the sky. There is time of being born, and time of
dying; time of planting, and time of starting what was planted. (Eclesiastes
The moment of the death, of the definitive good-bye
here in the terrestrial world it will arrive for all of us. To say that
good-bye type to our dreams and mainly to the dear beings. It is not easy,
same, knowing that died a little to each instant and being that the only
The one that she can take as comfort is in the deeds,
where we are the sure of the death, but, mainly of the resurrection and of the
possibility of an eternal life in the presence of God.
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