Ao procurarmos viver os nossos dias terrenos segundo os ensinamentos do Senhor, sendo obedientes e perseverantes na fé, o nosso criador nos instruirá de maneira que a serenidade e facilidade estejam sempre presentes em nossas atividades, e assim, teremos uma vida sem maiores preocupações e mais duradoura.
Sentence of the day: the Mister it increases our days.
The fear of the Mister it increases the days, but the perverse ones will have the years of the life abbreviated. (Proverbs 10:27)
To the we try to live our terrestrial days according to the teachings of the Mister, being obedient and persevering in the faith, our creator will instruct us so that the serenity and easiness are always presents in our activities, and like this, we will have a life without larger concerns and more durable.
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