estatutos do Senhor devem ser respeitados, utilizados como fontes de nobre
saber e os seus conhecimentos multiplicados, pois, as instruções para uma vida
frutífera e prospera estão contidas na palavra.
palavra que Deus nos concebeu deve ser assimilada com prazer, pois, nos foi
concebida com enorme amor e para a nossa própria segurança no mundo terreno e
como direção para a vida eterna.
Sentence of the day: word of the Mister.
Before he has your pleasure in the law of the Mister,
and in your law he meditates in the daytime and at night. Because it will be as the tree planted courses of
waters close to, which gives your fruit in your time; your leaves won't fall,
and whatever does it will prosper. (Psalms 1:2-3)
The statutes of the Mister they should be respected,
used as nobleman sources to know and your multiplied knowledge, therefore, the
instructions for a fruitful life and it prospers they are contained in the
The word that God became pregnant should be
assimilated with pleasure, because, it was conceived us with enormous love and
for our own safety in the terrestrial world and as direction for the eternal
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