O nosso efetivo viver será se estivermos trilhando pelo caminho que nos conduz a Deus. A nossa perseverança na caminhada, mesmo diante de tribulações e tentativas de persuasão do inimigo, somente será possível se nos mantivermos distantes do pecado, o qual nos recompensa com a morte, portanto, caso tenhamos fraquejado, devemos pedir perdão ao Senhor imediatamente.
Sentence of the day: he you executes life it exists distant of the sin.
But what to sin against me it will blemish your own soul; all the one that hate love me the death. (Proverbs 8:36)
Our cash to live it will be if we are thrashing for the road that leads us to God. Our perseverance in the walk, even before tribulations and attempts of the enemy's persuasion, it will only be possible if we maintain ourselves distant of the sin, which in the reward with the death, therefore, in case we have weakened, we should ask for forgiveness to the Mister immediately.
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