Deus espera que tenhamos coração puro, com a fé florescendo a cada instante e produzindo bons frutos, os quais servirão de alimentos para nós e para os nossos irmãos.
A preocupação com a nossa aparência é importante e saudável, mas, o que realmente importa para o Senhor é se a pureza se faz presente em nossos corações e se as nossas ações são de acordo com o que ensina a palavra.
Sentence of the day: pure heart.
However the Mister he said Samuel: Don't look at your appearance, nor for the greatness of your stature, because I have been rejecting him; because the Mister he doesn't see how he sees the man, because the man sees what is before the eyes, however the Mister he looks at the heart. (1 Samuel 16:7)
God waits that have pure heart, with the faith blooming to each instant and producing good fruits, which will serve as victuals for us and for our siblings.
The concern with our appearance is important and healthy, but, what really matters for the Mister the purity is been it is made present in our hearts and if our actions are in agreement with what he/she teaches the word.
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