O Senhor sempre ampara aqueles que procuram manter a aliança que tem por promessa celebrar com cada um de nós, portanto, importante estarmos vigilantes para não nos desviarmos do caminho indicado por Deus para que possamos honrar os nossos compromissos para merecermos a iluminação e a concessão de bênçãos de prosperidade do nosso pai celestial.
Sentence of the day: to honor the alliance with the Mister.
Then you will see him, and you will be lit up, and your heart will tremble and he will enlarge; because the abundance of the sea will become to you, and the heathens' wealth will come to you. (Isaías 60:5)
The Mister it always aids those that try maintain the alliance that has for promise to be celebrated with each one of us, therefore, important we be vigilant for we divert not ourselves of the suitable road for God so that we can honor our commitments for us to deserve the illumination and the concession of blessings of our celestial father's prosperity.
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