É legítimo clamarmos ao Senhor para nos conduzir em segurança em nossas caminhadas, mas, para que sejamos merecedores da atenção do nosso salvador, devemos ser humildes e pedirmos com fé, portanto, em tudo quanto fizermos é importante agradecermos e darmos glórias ao nosso pai celestial.
Sentence of the day: humility pleases God.
Then I divulged a fast there close to the river Aava, for us to humiliate ourselves before the face of our God, for us to ask for him safe road for us, for our children and for all our goods. (Esdras 8:21)
It is legitimate we shout to the Mister to behave in safety in our walks, but, so that we are worthy of our savior's attention, we should be humble and we ask with faith, therefore, in whatever we do it is important we thank and we give glories to our celestial father.
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