A nossa contribuição será a continuidade no cultivo da fé, pois, a sua semente já se encontra plantada nos corações e divulgada em todos os lugares por seres que respeitaram a sagrada palavra de Deus, a qual é repleta de poder e entendimento para que a harmonia, o amor, a prosperidade e solidariedade possam estar presentes no meio do povo do Senhor.
Sentence of the day: to contribute cultivating the faith.
Because for you it sounded the word of the Mister, not only in the Macedonian and Acaia, but also your faith to God dispersed every place, in such a way that already of her we don't have need to speak thing some. (1 Tessalonicenses 1:8)
Our contribution will be the continuity in the cultivation of the faith, because, your seed one already find planted in the hearts and published every place for you be that respected the sacred word of God, which is replete of being able to and understanding so that the harmony, the love, the prosperity and solidarity can be present in the middle of the people of the Mister.
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