O nosso sucesso também é uma das muitas promessas de glórias que o Senhor tem para com nós. Os nossos desejos de prosperidade, saúde e alegria plena podem e serão realizados se formos fiéis e mantermos a pureza em nossos corações, sempre procurando agir de acordo com as instruções divinas que a palavra nos oferece.
Sentence of the day: success.
Now, because, children, I heard myself, because blessed they will be the ones that they keep my roads. (Proverbs 8:32)
Our success is also one of the a lot of promises of glories that the Mister he has to us. Our prosperity desires, health and happiness full power and they will be accomplished if we go faithful and we maintain the purity in our hearts, always trying to act in agreement with the divine instructions that the word offers us.
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