Deus aprecia em nós a nossa virtude, a qual embeleza o nosso interior e exterioriza em forma de solidariedade para com nossos irmãos, portanto, essa deve ser uma busca incessante e prazerosa, pois assim, estaremos agradando ao Senhor, ajudando as pessoas e sendo merecedores do reconhecimento do nosso criador.
O Senhor estará sempre atento para contemplar com bênçãos a todos aqueles que observarem os Seus estatutos, procurando em priorizar os bens espirituais, os quais sempre deverão prevalecer sobre os materiais para que estes possam ser duradouros e tragam efetivas alegrias.
Sentence of the day: interior beauty.
Their decoration is not the exterior, in stressed him of the hair, in the use of jewels of gold, in the composure of the dresses. But the man hidden in the heart; in the incorruptible clothes of a tame and quiet spirit, that is precious before God. (1 Pedro 3:3-4)
God appreciates in us our virtue, which beautifies our interior and it utters in solidarity form to our siblings, therefore, that should be an incessant and pleased search, because like this, we will be pleasing to the Mister, helping the people and being worthy of our creator's recognition.
The Mister it will always be attentive to meditate with blessings the all those that observe Your statutes, seeking in prioritizing the spiritual goods, which should always prevail on the materials so that these can be durable and they swallow effective happiness.
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