Com o amor no coração não há nenhum medo que resista ou nos impeça de transpormos qualquer que seja o obstáculo e conquistarmos com êxito os nossos objetivos.
Deus não quer que sejamos expostos aos tormentos, portanto, nos contemplou com o amor que tudo pode e tudo vence, portanto, vamos cultivar esse maravilhoso instrumento e seremos eternos vencedores.
Sentence of the day: the love everything can.
In the love fear doesn't exist; before, the perfect love throws the fear out. Now, the fear produces torment; therefore, that that fears is not improved in the love. (1 João 4:18)
With the love in the heart there is not any fear that resists or impede us of we surpass any that is the obstacle and we conquer with success our objectives.
God doesn't want that are exposed to the torments, therefore, it contemplated us with the love that everything can and everything expires, therefore, we will cultivate that wonderful instrument and we will be eternal winners.
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