Prosperidade é promessa divina, então, ao alcance de todos que tenham perseverança e busquem segundo os ensinamentos contidos na palavra. Contudo, não supera o valor da sabedoria do discernimento, com o qual além da conquista com serenidade de bens materiais, ainda virá a aprendizagem para que possam ser multiplicados e mantidos.
Com o discernimento ensinado pela palavra seremos capazes de acumular bens materiais, sem colocar de lado ou deixar que superem o valor da nossa fé, pela qual saberemos valorizar a humildade, a fraternidade e solidariedade para com nossos irmãos.
Sentence of the day: discernment.
Therefore God told him: Since you asked for this and not a long life nor wealth, nor he asked for your enemies' death, but discernment to supply the justice. (1 Reis 3:11)
Prosperity is divine promise, then, to the reach of all that have perseverance and look for according to the teachings contained in the word. However, it doesn't overcome the value of the wisdom of the discernment, with which besides the conquest with serenity of material goods, it will still come the learning so that they can be multiplied and maintained.
With the discernment taught by the word we will be capable to accumulate material goods, without to place of side or to leave that they overcome the value of our faith, for the which we will know how to value the humility, the fraternity and solidarity to our siblings.
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