O que Deus permite e abençoa dura para sempre, portanto, mesmo que estivermos em busca de bens materiais, os quais fazem parte da prosperidade prometida pelo Senhor, devemos estar atentos para que nossas investidas e respectivas conquistas sejam realizadas segundo os ensinamentos das escrituras, pois, assim se multiplicaram e durarão para sempre, em confirmação ao que já foi prometido aos nossos antecedentes.
Sentence of the day: to glorify him Mister.
Before you will remember the Mister your God, that he is what gives you force for you acquire wealth; to confirm your alliance, that swore your parents, as he sees himself on this day. (Deuteronômio 8:18)
The one that God allows and it blesses it lasts forever, therefore, even if we are in search of material goods, which are part of the promised prosperity for the Mister, we should be attentive so that our lunges and respective conquests are accomplished according to the teachings of the deeds, because, they multiplied like this and they will last forever, in confirmation to the that was already promised to our antecedents.
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