Devemos combater sempre a vaidade, a qual nada nos acrescenta, ao contrário, ela traz mágoas e ruínas, e ainda desagrada ao nosso Senhor, portanto, a manutenção da serenidade em nosso espírito pelas nossas orações e cultivo da nossa fé, expulsará e manterá distante mais esta tentativa do inimigo de tentar destruir as nossas vidas.
Sentence of the day: the enemy cannot destroy us.
I also saw me that the whole work, and the whole ability in works, brings the man the envy of your close one. Also that is vanity and spirit affliction. (Eclesiastes 4:4)
We should always combat the vanity, the one which anything we increase, to the opposite, she brings sorrows and ruins, and it still displeases ours Mister, therefore, the maintenance of the serenity in our spirit for our prayers and cultivation of our faith, will expel and it will maintain distant more this attempt of the enemy of trying to destroy our lives.
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