A efetiva sabedoria somente poderá ser encontrada nas palavras de Deus. As escrituras são de fácil compreensão a todos que procuram nela a inspiração. Jamais o inimigo conseguirá atingir aquele que clamar por proteção ao Senhor, pois, nenhuma outra fortaleza será mais segura e aconchegante do que o nosso criador e salvador pode nos oferecer.
Sentence of the day: knowledge and accessible protection.
Mine is the advice and the true wisdom; I am the understanding; mine is the fortress. (Proverbs 8:14)
The effective wisdom will only be able to be found in the words of God. The deeds are from easy understanding to all that seek in her the inspiration. The enemy will never get to reach that that to shout for protection to the Mister, because, no other fortress will be safer and comfortable than our creator and savior can offer.
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