O respeito ao ensinamento que Deus nos deixou nas escrituras, precisa ser apreciado com muito amor e perseverança, devendo ser apropriado e principalmente compartilhado, pois, é de fácil acesso e entendimento, superando qualquer outra fonte de sabedoria e que nos possibilita adquirir o efetivo conhecimento, o qual nos apresenta como verdadeiros filhos do Senhor.
Sentence of the day: wisdom and prudence have the source in the word.
The fear of the Mister it is the beginning of the wisdom, and Saint knowledge the prudence. (Proverbs 9:10)
The respect to the teaching that God left us in the deeds, needs to be appreciated with a lot of love and perseverance, should be appropriate and mainly shared, therefore, it is of easy access and understanding, overcoming any other source of wisdom and that makes possible to acquire us the cash knowledge, which presents us as true children of the Mister.
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