Deus está sempre atento às nossas súplicas, portanto, não importa o momento, o que interessa ao Senhor é se precisamos de socorro, e se estamos procurando viver com humildade, nos conduzindo com retidão, e os nossos pedidos forem elevados em orações.
O Senhor nos ama, e não precisa fazer nenhuma outra prova disso, ao contrário, nós é que precisamos em nossas atitudes demonstrarmos o amor que temos para com Ele e para com os nossos irmãos, e assim, seremos recompensados com o perdão e uma vida saudável nesta terrena e com a luz para iluminar o caminho em direção à salvação eterna.
Sentence of the day: God hears us.
My people are been, that he calls himself for my name, to humble, and to pray, and to look for my face and to change of your bad roads, then I will hear from the skies, and I will forgive your sins, and I will cure your earth. (2 chronicles 7:14)
God is always attentive to our supplications, therefore, it doesn't matter the moment, what interests to the Mister it is if we needed help, and she are trying to live with humility, behaving with rightness, and our requests are high in prayers.
The Mister in the owner, and he doesn't need to do any other proof of that, to the opposite, we are that needed in our attitudes we demonstrate the love that we have to Him and to our siblings, and like this, we will be rewarded with the pardon and a healthy life in this terrestrial one and with the light to illuminate the road in direction to the eternal salvation.
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