No mundo extremamente financeiro no qual vivemos, muitas vezes acabamos por nos perder entre a competitividade e até mesmo à ganância, nos esquecendo da verdadeira importância que é a solidariedade, o sábio ensinamento de Deus quanto ao valor da doação, do cuidado e acolhimento aos que estão em situação de necessidades.
Quando acolhemos de coração aberto, oferecendo cuidados e promovendo doações ao nosso próximo, teremos nossos atos reconhecidos pelo Senhor que nos recompensará imensamente.
Sentence of the day: donating him Mister in the reward.
I have been showing you in everything that, working like this, it is necessary auxiliary the patients, and to remember Mr. Jesus' words, that he said: More blessed thing is to give of what to receive. (Acts 20:35)
In the extremely financial world in which we lived, a lot of times we ended for getting lost among the competitiveness and even to the greed, forgetting about the true importance that is the solidarity, the wise person teaching of God with relationship to the value of the donation, of the care and reception to the that are in situation of needs.
When we welcomed of open heart, offering cares and promoting donations to our close one, we will have our acts recognized by the Mister that will reward us vastly.
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