A nossa falta crença já foi questionada inclusive por Jesus, pois, mesmo diante das inigualáveis realizações o povo ainda continuava duvidando do amor e da nobreza do Senhor. Devemos passar a apreciar a palavra consultando inclusive os nossos corações, pois, é nele que foi plantada a semente da fé.
Vivenciamos e até mesmo somos beneficiados constantemente por graças concedidas por Deus; basta pararmos por alguns instantes e buscarmos a face do Senhor em oração que conseguiremos visualizar e entender todas as bênçãos que já nos foram concedidas e a nos certificarmos que ainda tomaremos posse de várias outras realizações que nos são reservadas.
Sentence of the day: to place to the margin of the road that reduces us the faith.
And he said him Mister the Moisés: Will it provoke me this people until when? and until when won't it have faith in me, in spite of all the signs that I did in his middle? (Numbers 14:11)
Our lack faith was already questioned besides by Jesus, because, even due to the unequaled accomplishments the people still continued doubting of the love and of the nobility of the Mister. We should start to appreciate the word consulting our hearts besides, because, it is in him that the seed of the faith was planted.
We lived and even we are constantly benefitted by thanks granted by God; it is enough we stop for some instants and we look for the face of the Mister in prayer that we will get to visualize and to understand all the blessings that were already granted us and the we certify ourselves that will still take ownership of several other accomplishments that are us reserved.
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