A Seleção Brasileira demonstra por mais uma vez em 2013 ser a melhor equipe de futebol do mundo, colecionando o seu quarto (1997, 2005, 2009 e 2013) título da Copa das Confederações, desde a sua primeira edição em 1992. A segunda melhor equipe na Copa das Confederações é a França com 02 (dois) títulos.
O Brasil venceu a disputa final com a Espanha, por 3 a 0, não deixando dúvidas quanto a sua superioridade, apresentando um futebol arte e de alta qualidade técnica.
Sport: Cup of the Confederations FIFA 2013.
The Cup of the Confederations is a tournament of organized soccer for FIFA among national selections every four years. The participant teams are the 06 (six) continental champions more the country-thirst and the world champion, totaling 08 (eight) teams. It is chosen an only selection for each continent, except for America, because she classifies 02 (two) selections: Cup Gold's champion selection, whose tournament is disputed among North America, América Central and Caribbean and the Cup América, argued by the countries that compose South America.
The Brazilian Selection demonstrates for once again in 2013 to be the best soccer team of the world, collecting your room (1997, 2005, 2009 and 2013) title of the Cup of the Confederations, from your first edition in 1992. The second best team in the Cup of the Confederations is France with 02 (two) titles.
Brazil won the final dispute with Spain, for 3 to 0, not leaving doubts with relationship your superiority, presenting a soccer art and of high technical quality.
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