Não importa qual situação ou posição ocupamos, devemos combater o pecado, pedindo em nossas orações para que Deus nos perdoe e também aos nossos irmãos pelas transgressões aos Seus ensinamentos, e assim, nos tornaremos dignos da morada que o Senhor tem nos preparado.
Sentence of the day: the request of pardon is an act of wisdom and respect to God.
And for this cause it owes him, so much for the people, as well as for himself, to do offer for the sins. (Hebrew 5:3)
He you doesn't matter which situation or position occupied, we should combat the sin, asking in our prayers so that God forgives us and also to our siblings for the transgressions to Your teachings, and like this, we will become worthy of the home that the Mister he has in the mixture.
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